Being a SAHM its easy to slip into the habit of eating poorly and your only form of exercise being house work. Now while you can get a good ...

Stay Tight - Single Wife Style

13:08 Unknown 0 Comments

Being a SAHM its easy to slip into the habit of eating poorly and your only form of exercise being house work. Now while you can get a good sweat in cleaning up after your family, your poor diet choices can and will catch up to you. And just as easy as it is to make bad choices, its just as easy to make good choices.

Lets start with the diet.
I love snacking on my kids junk food while they're eating so what I've found that works for me is having my lunch or snack ready at the same time they're eating so I won't feel the need to dip into theirs. Another thing, if you're a tea drinker, sipping on unsweetened green tea will help to curb hunger and burn fat at the same time. A grapefruit in the morning with some black coffee and egg whites is a very filling breakfast. Use zero calorie sugar if you're having a hard time dropping sugar cold turkey. Fred and I have been having fish every night for dinner and having a "cheat meal" or two on the weekends. He's been a little bit stricter than I am cutting out carbs for the majority of the week and opting for a side salad instead. As far as snacking goes, whole wheat crackers are actually yummier than they sound and salmon is the easiest and quickest thing to throw on the grill. I'll try to post my salmon & asparagus recipe before the year ends!

Now on to exercise. If you're anything like me, you can find every excuse in the book to not workout. So what I've started doing were some super simple moves, 20 reps each.
1. Squats x 20
2. Standing Leg Lifts x 20 (on each side)
3. Bridge with Leg Raise x 20 (each leg)
4. Walking Lunges all through out the house
5. Tricep Dips x 20
As the days go by, you'll want to add more to your routine and do feel free to do so. Become the hot mom, be the mom who plays with her kids at the park, be the mom who wears a bikini on the beach (stretch marks and all) *raises hand*!

Track what you eat as well as your steps with the apps that I mentioned in the post immediately before this.
Whatever it is that you want to do, you can do, just do it.

Mommy xo.

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. -Benjamin Franklin For everything in my life I need some type of schedule, or mock up, or to-...

Organizing Tips From A Single Wife

22:53 Unknown 0 Comments

If you fail to plan,
you are planning to fail.
-Benjamin Franklin

For everything in my life I need some type of schedule, or mock up, or to-do list. I find that I get things done faster and my family doesn't starve. I write everything down from menus for the week, to shopping lists, to cleaning and home school schedules. 

The first tip I'm going to give you is an app. Its called AnyList. This app allows you to create many different shopping lists and makes your shopping experience that much easier. You wont "forget to pick something up" or end up with the three of the same thing every other week. 

My 2nd tip is another app. This app is called Spending Tracker. This app tracks the amount of CASH you have and spend at any given time. You will of course have to log in your purchases each time but its a great way to manage your money outside of a bank. 

My 3rd Tip is to print a meal plan. If you do a quick google search you will find  plethora of these. You just have to choose which works best for you and your household. My planner has columns for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Print out one planner, frame it in any cheap picture frame that the planner will fit in and hang it in you kitchen. Now instead of writing on the paper and having to print a new one every week, use dry erase markers and write on the glass of the picture frame. Genius right?

My 4th tip is to either print a daily schedule/planner, buy a cute little planner book or download the AnyDo App on your smartphone and fill in the chores that you'll do on a daily basis as well as anything else it is that you do throughout the day everyday that you need to get done. 

With these four super simple tips, your day will go buy SO much faster. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comment section. 

Mommy xo.

This past Saturday we took the boys to a family fun-day sponsored by Tax USA , Home Depot, Waste Management and a few other well known names...

Daily Musings Of My Life - Tax USA Family Fun Day!

08:58 Unknown 0 Comments

This past Saturday we took the boys to a family fun-day sponsored by Tax USA, Home Depot, Waste Management and a few other well known names. We got to the event a little bit before three. I was supposed to be a volunteer but they had an overwhelming amount of supporters that they didn't have a job for me! I didn't mind though and focused instead on the boys having fun.

The event was held at Pompey Park in Delray Beach. The entire park was filled with families, volunteers, sponsors, vendors, even a robot! The music filled the air and the boys (well Kyle any way)
couldn't stop dancing.

We stopped by the Tax USA booth first, and the boys were gifted backpacks filled with school supplies!

We then said hi to the robot (Aiden went crazy)
and then checked out the basketball tournament and took a glimpse of the senior Zumba class (I promise you I'll be that one old lady taking Zumba in electric blue hot pants).

We made our way over to the food vendors and grabbed something to eat. We sat down in the baseball dugout because it was the only sheltered area we could find. That sun was no joke! After we ate I was introduced to a few of the people behind TAX USA including the owner!

It was about to start raining so we decided to get the boys home before it did. But instead we ran into a friend and her clan of kids and nieces who had just arrived. The boys laughed it up with her kids while we chatted under the Tax USA tent. We would've stayed longer to see the talent show that was about to take place but the rain was coming out of nowhere.

The boys had an amazing time! They passed out as soon as we got home. They were dying to see what was in their backpacks though as soon as they woke up.

Below are a few pictures from the event taken by Sonet18Co Photographer Phillip Burrell.